Genting with the troup.
Pics are so limited. Took pictures using only my phone as my camera went low batt even before reaching Genting. Ended up deleting lots of overly blurred pictures. :O
Arrival at the nicely xmas theme decorated hotel lobby.
I've no idea how feifei fell into that thing and could not get up while we were waiting for the hotel staff to clean our rooms. Pardon my shaky hand. I was laughing as they were pushing him. hahaha!
Buffet dinner .
the beef which looks like poo.
the chickens taunts "suck it!" .
Salsa dance in the club .
coldness .
The birthday boy .
Burn ciggie burn .
Burn kopi burn .
This is what you get for refusing to get up! hahahaha.
Hairpin curves are sweet .
Few more pictures before we head back.
Sleep and sleep and sleep.
Ah jie: Byebye!
Blog again! :D